
Sacred, Occult and Metaphysical Terms.

1D-The One-Dimensional World – A spatial reality symbolized by a straight line.

2D-The Two-Dimensional World – A spatial reality symbolized by a square or a circle.

3D-The Three-Dimensional World – A spatial reality symbolized by a cube or a sphere.

4D-The Four-Dimensional World – ‘Time.’ Symbolized spatially by a hypercube or hypersphere.

Abyss, the – Chasm of Fear to be crossed before finally joining the Oneness with Source.
Adam and Eve – An allegory (partly historical) for the Original Gender Separation when the Duality of genders first emerged.

Ahhh. The Sound of the ‘Eck” current or Source Vibration. Root tone behind Allah and Amen. (See Om-Variant)

Akashic Record – “The Library of Infinite Wisdom.” The cosmic record of everything that has ever happened in the Universe.

Alchemy – The origin of chemistry. The art of blending the four Elements in order to create visible and invisible Life forms.

Aloneness – Al-One-Ness

Amen – (See Ahhh and OM)

Angels – “Invisible” discarnate Beings living in the Wave Modality of Light. Emissaries of Heaven’s Will.

Archetypes – Root patterns that make up all the personalities in the Universe. The gods and goddesses.

Beloved, the – The all-pervasive Spirit of Love. The I AM Presence.

Big Bang – The Beginning of your phase of Creation. The Original fragmentation of Source’s Oneness for the purpose of Self-Discovery.

Buddhism – The Path of Emptiness, seeking the ‘Void’ as opposed to the monotheistic religions which seek Fullness rather than Emptiness. Both orbit the hypersphere only in different directions. They both begin and end in the same Place.

Causality – The illusory belief in causation. The belief that physical events cause circumstances.

Channeling – Consciously allowing a discarnate being to use your body and/or give you information.

Chivalry – The ancient “software” of the Masters used to reunite both the Genders throughout Creation.

Compassion – Community Passion or Shared Emotion.

Consensus Reality – Groupthink. The shared beliefs created by humans for the purpose of security. This ring-pass-not is to be penetrated by initiates.

Death – The illusion of the end of Life. Physical cessation created by the illusion of separateness.

Demons – Malevolent discarnate entities.

Devil, the – The sum total of all Fear.

Discarnates – (See Angels and Demons)

Ego– The “egg shell” that protects the fledgling individuality until it is able to hatch and stand forth as its own individual “I AM.” (soul) The Ego

Elements, The Four Elements on Earth are Air, Earth, Fire and Water

Elementals – Beings inhabiting the Four Elements. Sylphs (Air), Gnomes (Earth), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (Water)

Emotion– E-Motion. Energy in Motion.

Emptiness – The ‘Void’ Reality followed by True Fullness.

Engrams – Negative emotional charges held in cellular memory from painful, past experiences.

Entheogens – Psychoactive substances used for expanding Consciousness.

Eternity – ‘Now’ unencumbered by the dream of time.

EVIL – ‘LIVE’ spelled backward. The reverse of Goodness.

Extra Terrestrials (ETs) – The gods. Unearthly visitors of either benevolent or ill intent toward humans.

Fall of Man, the – This is the state of humanity after it fell asleep and dreamed it was an ego.

Female – a Male turned outside in.

Flying – The gift of those who successfully move beyond the binding to Earth by Consensus Reality. The transcending of gravity created by ‘grave’ thinking.

Forgiveness – Allowing Spirit to dissolve the shadowy fear and resentment separating individuals.

Fullness – The goal of True Emptiness.

Fundamentalism – Any fear based religious and philosophical paradigm.

Gender Gap, the – The Abyss separating femininity and masculinity wherever it appears. The chasm separating, Man and Woman, Thoughts and Emotions, Yin and Yang, Head and Heart.

Source – The sum total of all Goodness. The sum total of all Awareness. “I AM.” God

Gratitude – The feminine polarity of Creation

Guilt – A misplaced spiritual short circuit.

Hatred – A misplaced spiritual short circuit.

Heaven – Oneness. The experience of Total Love. Heartgasms.

Hell – The belief in Eternal Separateness.

Guide – A Guardian Angel. One’s Higher Being

Higher Space – Any spatial plane higher/deeper than 3 Dimensions. (See Inner Space.)

Guardian Angel – A protecting and guiding discarnate from the Michael (Christ) Ray. Nearly all humans have one individually assigned to them.

HyperCube – A 4D cube.

HyperSphere – A 4D sphere.

I AM” -The absolute core of all Beings. The Soul. The all- pervasive ‘ISNESS’ underlying the Universe.

Imagination –The ability to “image in” the infinite number of realities making up The Many Worlds.

Inner Space – Where Higher Space may ultimately be found.

Jesus – The first historical person to emerge from the remnants of the animal group soul into a fully conscious Individual.

Jews, the – The first historical group to write down their unbroken history. “People of the Book” which includes the other two monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam.

Leap/Seam – A synchronistic juncture where the dimensions overlap creating a doubling leap in Awareness. At these junctures one may access the Worlds between Worlds.

Library of Infinite Wisdom – The Akashic Record. The stored record of every experience that ever happened on every Plane.

Light – The indescribable phenomena that science has labelled as Waves and Particles. The Source of All things, invisible and visible on every plane of Existence.

Love – “A Miracle accepted, never forced, never expected.”

Magic – Using the invisible world to consciously create visible circumstances

Magic, Black – The ritualized stealing of Life Force from others, for personal gratification. Spiritual vampirism.

Magic, White – The art of empowering others. The gift of manifesting Miracles. The Art of Love

Male – A female turned inside out.

Master, a – Someone who has perfected an art.

Matter – Spirit (Light) made solid by the gravity of ego.

Meditation – Calming your mind enough to be able to see between your thoughts. Contemplation

Merkabah – A temporarily invisible geometric hologram patterned by the “electromagnetic” relationship between star systems like Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda and the other Christ based galactic communities. A vehicle consisting of two interpenetrating tetrahedrons spinning in opposite directions used in contemplation for accessing different dimensions.

Miracle – Any gift of Love from one who “temporarily has more to one who temporarily has less.”

Money – Dollars and cents. Fear units of differing ‘worth.’ Hierarchal physical values

Monotheism – The three monotheistic religions believing in The Universe, The One Source such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Moses – A primary vessel for the awakened ‘group soul’ of ancient Israel. An early, collective bloodline of the Jews, the People of the Book.

Music – The Sound of Color. Harmonious Vibrations invisible on Earth but visible in the finer dimensions.

Music of the Spheres – Harmonious sound currents created by the inter-planetary and galactic relationships present throughout the Universe.

OM – The Hindu Word used in meditation and contemplation to access the Cosmic Sound (Eck) currents. Vibratory frequencies related to Ahhh, Amen and Allah

Outer World, the – The holographic out-picturing of humanity’s Inner World

Paganism – The belief in plural deities. The worship of Nature, Earth and the Multiverse.

Photosynthesis – The process of obtaining Life Force directly from the physical sun. Likewise obtaining life-force directly from the Spiritual Sun of the Source (The Christos).

Planes – Spatial dimensions operating at different rates of time.

Poverty – The belief in lack. A faithless, circular state of mind. Pessimism.

Prana – Life Force accessed through the breath. The “Breath of Life.”

Prayer – The process of animating discarnate Beings to bring about desired circumstances. the Conscious Creation of Circumstances. The feminine aspect of the soul opening to receive Divinity.

Prodigal Son – The biblical story of forgiveness and redemption. Humanity coming Home to be welcomed by the Original Unity of Source.

Ego– The shadow aping the animating Light of Source. Both ego and Source say ‘I AM’ but one of them is lying.

Psychodrama – The process of harmonic resonance by physically acting out the desired spiritual circumstances on the physical Plane. Sympathetic Magic.

Redeemer – The Christ Ray. The Sun of God

Religion – Preprogrammed spiritual ‘software’ that is prone to viruses.

Reversing – The dangerous abandonment of a goal and changing directions because of self-doubt.

Ring-Pass-Not. – The spiritual barrier separating every day awareness from Higher Space. A “cosmic egg” to be cracked from the inside.

Sacred Sovereign Self – The description of a fully awakened Being.

Spiral Cone – The ascending, converging geometric shape of evolution.

Spirit – The Wave Polarity of Light.

Synchronicity – When a past event resonates with a current one. Technically, a layered intersection or juncture where different time/Space dimensions share the same moment. (IE, “Past life memories” or Deja-vu, etc.)

Tarot, the – A picture book or card deck containing images of the 78 major archetypal patterns that seem to mirror every possible circumstance on Life.

Telesmic or Telesmatic Image – A blueprint held in the imagination. An invisible matrix created to provide a pattern around which Matter coalesces. A spiritual goal or prototype.

Tetrahedron – A three-sided pyramid. One half of a Merkabah.

Thoughts – Floating fragments of dream stuff seeking to be organized by the Will.

Time – Eternity fragmented by the spiritual Big Bang.

Timelessness – Eternity. The temporary goal of evolution as it appears on the back side of the hypersphere.

Trance Mediumship – The dangerous practice of going unconscious so as to allow a discarnate to use your body. “Psychic Russian Roulette.”

Trillits – Consciousness expressing itself through natural objects. (Faces seen living in the rocks, fire, the clouds, etc.)

Veil, the – See ‘Ring-Pass-Not’

Victim – The illusion of a nonexistent possibility.

Will – The Primal ‘choosing’ Mechanism. The original Fiat of Source.

World Between Worlds – The in-between places on every Plane from which all Beauty and Magic emerges.