Truth (in less than 300 words)

God created only one thing in this Universe: YOU!
You are God’s One and Only Beloved;
His Single gift to you is Love.
Your IMAGINATION helps God co-create
new life forms to receive it.

Pain is crystalized fear created by your imagination.
Release (re-imagine) the fear and the pain is gone.

“Lucid dreaming takes the Will (awareness of ‘I AM’) into the dream world. Annie Besant called it ‘mastering the Astral Plane.’ Carl Jung; ‘making the subconscious conscious.’ Media can distract us from this necessity. Say ‘I AM.’ Don’t let the illusion of OUT THERE distract you.”

To say, “I AM God” is foolish. That won’t be true until the FULL AWARENESS OF “I AM” is complete. Until such 360° Awareness appears, let us enjoy being guided by it, as devoted, trusting offspring of Our Source.

Follow the 1st Commandment. Then the following 9 may be ignored.